Thursday 31 January 2013

What type of games do I play?

There are many different genres of games available, from action to sports and casual to hardcore, the spectrum has a game for everyone. So what games do I enjoy playing? There is one simple answer to this question...

Almost all games...
I write almost because I find that sport games do not offer a great single player experience and community is a key feature, and some lack respect towards new players and do not welcome them to the game(I am aware that trash talk is integral to online play).
For console gaming I find that I mainly play FPSs, Driving games or platformers. Of these genres, I am always attracted towards platformers as they have a basic structure, easy to get the basics figured out, buy hard to master. That is why games really appeal to me, everyone can pick up a controller and play a game, but it takes dedication and time to master it and be their best.
Of the genres my least experience within the field would be RTSs, as I have not played a wide variety of these games.

Whilst on the topic...
I will mention things I will cover at a later point about my opinions on gaming. I will talk about whether i prefer console gaming or PC gaming, and my favourite console and handheld portable device for both games available, the hardware and the memories with those devices.

Frozen Fishy out.

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